
29 Art Reviews

10 w/ Responses

The lighting is super realistic, well done on that. The boat almost really feels like a 3d item rendered in a pixel filter. However the tires look super odd, as if their shadow is part of them and that there's a random line going through them, I think you could fix that with a slightly brighter shadow that'd help distinguish the shadow from the tires.

radshoe responds:

man, big thanks for pointing that out! I totally overlooked that.. fixed it and it looks much better. ;D

Nice to see (even slightly) colored work from you once in a while, I think you could've used more little nibbles of pure white somewhere other than the the teeth to give off more of a light/dark difference.

Krinkels responds:

I agree with you completely.

Great composition, however i think it could've used a slither of saturation all around and the little stream could've had some little reflections. The lightrays could've been slightly coloured also to match the yellow glow in the background.

he has no nose

Girmor responds:

Who needs a nose today? Noses are for the weak! ;D

Gets the idea of what you were going for across clearly and properly, but areas of improvement should be targeted towards the light/mist coming out of the sword and hand, as individual brush strokes can be seen: kinda defeating the point of it trying to seem glow-y or misty as it has a hard edge. The shoulders on the white guy don't seem to align properly and his pose is very unnatural too, however it isn't too far off being correct and fluid (like the character in the foreground) due to the style of the piece, which itself is hard to pull off properly, so good job!

Really nice highlights and pose; my only criticisms consist of the upper part of her body being much more greatly detailed than the bottom, giving it a unfinished look, and also some parts of the lower body lacking heavier shades (such as the breast, belly, and her back). Her right forearm seems to bend unnaturally as well.

Really nice atmosphere and concept, however I feel like parts of it could be improved with more defined outlines/edges (like the house), especially the trees and hill in the foreground. Also, the trees in the background don't seem to cast a shadow over each other, and they stand out as much as the hill in the foreground, which drags attention away from the house and waterfall (which i'm guessing are the main points of interest).

Not bad, but I feel that you could do alot more alot better with a bigger canvas.

GatNG responds:

I agree, it was done traditionally so by the time I noticed it was too late.
Thanks for the constructive criticism.

Really nice idea, and well done, however I think the skull could use more impactfull lighting (darker darks and lighter lights).

DaemmonArts responds:

Thank you so much for the advice :)

cool shit n' stuff

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